Building on a rooftop requires special care. After all, you can’t just dump a load of concrete up there, and you need to protect your roof’s waterproof membrane. Pedestal systems maintain the roof’s waterproof integrity by resting on top of the roofing membrane without puncturing it. They also protect your roofing system from damage by elevating your abrasive surfacing materials off the roof and allowing water to flow unimpeded between the surface tiles to the drains below.

Pedestals also increase the life expectancy of your roofing membrane by protecting it from the elements and UV rays. Eterno pedestals can accommodate the specific warranty requirements of any roofing membrane manufacturer to ensure no warranties are voided. Finally, Eterno pedestals offer fast & easy installation, the ability to install aesthetically-pleasing surfaces like porcelain tiles and create a perfectly level rooftop deck or patio, even on roofs with a slope.